Europe 1913: Second Balkan War

Bulgaria had gained much territory in the war against the Ottomans, but less than what it had been promised. In June 1913, exactly one month after peace had been signed, it attacked Serbia for more land. However, in the war that followed, the Greeks, Montenegrins, Romanians, and Ottoman Turks sided with the Serbs, and Bulgaria ended up defeated on all sides.

Main Events

30 May 1913 Treaty of London

Peace treaty between Ottoman Empire and Balkan League (Serbia, Montenegro, Bulgaria, and Greece)in wikipedia

30 Jun 1913 Second Balkan War begins

Bulgaria attacked Serbia and wikipedia

10 Jul 1913 Romania declares war on Bulgaria

Romania declares war on Bulgariain wikipedia

12 Jul 1913 Turkey enters 2nd Balkan War

Ottoman Empire joins war against Bulgariain wikipedia