Europe 1920: Treaty of Rapallo

During the Great War, Italy and Serbia had been given conflicting promises of territory by the Allies. When the War ended, Serbia united with other Slavic states to form the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (or Yugoslavia) while Italy occupied the lands it had been promised, many of which had large Slavic populations. Disputes between the two countries, especially over the status of the city of Fiume, led to the 1920 Treaty of Rapallo.

Main Events

11 Aug 1920 Latvian-Soviet Peace Treaty

Soviet Russia recognizes Latvian independencein wikipedia

22 Aug 1920 Italy withdraws from Albania

Italy withdraws from Albania

14 Oct 1920 Soviet Russia recognizes Finnish independence

Soviet Russia recognizes Finnish independence

18 Oct 1920 Polish counterattack wins Polish-Soviet War

After the decisive victory at Warsaw, Poland went back on the offensive. Reaching the Niemen River in September, the Polish Army captured the contested city of Vilnius/Wilno in a brief war with Lithuania, and clashed with the Soviets for the last time. With the Soviets eager to end the war, and the League of Nations pressuring Poland to accept its territorial gains, peace negotiations wikipedia

12 Nov 1920 Treaty of Rapallo

Treaty of Rapalloin wikipedia