North America 1511: Spanish expansion in the Caribbean

15 August 1511
15 Aug 1511
Spanish expansion in the Caribbean
12 Oct 1492 Arrival of Columbus
26 Dec 1492 First contacts
6 Jan 1494 Columbus’ second voyage
4 Aug 1496 Colony of Santo Domingo
24 Jun 1497 John Cabot’s expeditions
23 Aug 1500 Fall of Columbus
7 Jan 1503 First Spanish attempts on the Mainland
8 Aug 1508 Colonization of Puerto Rico
15 Aug 1511 Spanish expansion in the Caribbean
Following their colonization of Puerto Rico (1508), the Spanish began the settlement of the other two large islands neighboring Hispaniola: Santiago (Jamaica) in 1509 and Cuba in 1511. Meanwhile, in 1510, Spanish attempts on the mainland finally produced two lasting colonies, at Santa María la Antigua del Darién and Nombre de Dios (both on the Isthmus of Panama).