North America 1503: First Spanish attempts on the Mainland

7 January 1503
7 Jan 1503
First Spanish attempts on the Mainland
12 Oct 1492 Arrival of Columbus
26 Dec 1492 First contacts
6 Jan 1494 Columbus’ second voyage
4 Aug 1496 Colony of Santo Domingo
24 Jun 1497 John Cabot’s expeditions
23 Aug 1500 Fall of Columbus
7 Jan 1503 First Spanish attempts on the Mainland
8 Aug 1508 Colonization of Puerto Rico
15 Aug 1511 Spanish expansion in the Caribbean
By the beginning of the 16th century Spanish adventurers were on Cubagua island, Venezuela, exploiting native labor to conduct seasonal pearl-fishing expeditions. From here, the first Spanish mission was established on mainland South America in 1501. However, other Spanish settlement attempts by Ojeda in Colombia (1502) and Colombus in Panama (1503)—both part of a bid to establish a Spanish “Kingdom of Tierra Firme” on the continent—quickly collapsed in the face of indigenous opposition.