Sub-Saharan Africa 1960: Year of Africa begins

3 February 1960
3 Feb 1960
Year of Africa begins
30 Apr 1947 Malagasy Uprising
1 Apr 1950 United Nations Trust Territories
25 Mar 1953 Mau Mau Uprising
1 Jan 1956 Independence of Sudan
6 Mar 1957 Independence of Ghana
2 Oct 1958 Independence of Guinea
3 Feb 1960 Year of Africa begins
26 Jun 1960 French Withdrawal from West Africa
14 Jul 1960 Congo Crisis
5 Aug 1960 UN Operation in the Congo
17 Aug 1960 French Withdrawal from Equatorial Africa
5 Sep 1960 Fall of Lumumba
24 Dec 1960 Year of Africa ends
The harsh French response to Guinea's 1958 declaration of independence only fueled pro-independence sentiment in the other French colonies. Next to go was the French UN mandate of Cameroon, which became independent on 1 January 1960—the first day of what would become known as the Year of Africa. At the same time, the British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan toured Africa, warning apartheid South Africa that a “Wind of Change” was sweeping the continent.