Sub-Saharan Africa 1940: World War II and the Fall of France

24 June 1940
24 Jun 1940
World War II and the Fall of France
24 Jun 1940 World War II and the Fall of France
19 Aug 1940 Italian East African Offensives
25 Sep 1940 Debacle at Dakar
8 Nov 1940 Battle of Gabon
1 Mar 1941 East African Campaign
6 Apr 1941 Liquidation of Italian East Africa
7 May 1942 Operation Ironclad
29 Sep 1942 Occupation of Madagascar
23 Nov 1942 Three French Empires
3 Jun 1943 French Committee of National Liberation
25 Aug 1944 From Africa to Paris
15 Aug 1945 End of World War II
In 1939 Germany invaded Poland, prompting Britain and France to declare war. Although this Second World War immediately drew in the British and French colonial empires, no fighting took place on the African continent until Germany defeated France in June 1940. In that month everything changed: an emboldened Italy entered the war and the French agreed to an armistice. Now two large and unfriendly empires faced the British and their allies in Africa.