Sub-Saharan Africa 1956: Independence of Sudan

1 January 1956
1 Jan 1956
Independence of Sudan
30 Apr 1947 Malagasy Uprising
1 Apr 1950 United Nations Trust Territories
25 Mar 1953 Mau Mau Uprising
1 Jan 1956 Independence of Sudan
6 Mar 1957 Independence of Ghana
2 Oct 1958 Independence of Guinea
3 Feb 1960 Year of Africa begins
26 Jun 1960 French Withdrawal from West Africa
14 Jul 1960 Congo Crisis
5 Aug 1960 UN Operation in the Congo
17 Aug 1960 French Withdrawal from Equatorial Africa
5 Sep 1960 Fall of Lumumba
24 Dec 1960 Year of Africa ends
In 1953 Egyptian revolutionaries deposed the last King of Egypt and the Sudan, signing a treaty with the British the next year to end the Anglo-Egyptian condominium over Sudan. As agreed in the treaty, Sudan became an independent sovereign state on 1 January 1956. However, even before it had gained independence, Sudan faced civil war as the culturally distinct southern Sudanese revolted against control by the north.