Northern Africa 395: Division of the Roman Empire

17 January 395
17 Jan 395
Division of the Roman Empire
17 Jan 395 Division of the Roman Empire
late 397 Gildonic Revolt
c. 400 Emergence of Makuria
sum 407 Constantine III
spr 409 Gerontian Revolt
28 Sep 409 Vandalic invasion of Spain
early 410 Attalus’ African campaign
late 410 Death of Alaric
mid 411 Barbarian partition of Spain
spr 413 Revolt of Heraclian
late 414 Gothic African expedition
fall 418 Wallia’s Spanish War
early 420 Battle of the Nervasos Mountains
sum 422 Battle of Tarraco
spr 424 Joannes and Africa
sum 427 Revolt of Bonifatius
May 429 Vandal crossing to North Africa
28 Aug 430 Siege of Hippo Regius
sum 431 Second Battle of Hippo Regius
11 Feb 435 Treaty of Hippo Regius
19 Oct 439 Vandal capture of Carthage
sum 442 Treaty of Carthage
late 448 Maximinus’ Nubian War
Theodosius I defeated the usurper Magnus Maximus in 388, but four years later faced a new usurpation—this time by Arbogast and Eugenius. After defeating these challengers in turn in 394, Theodosius briefly reunited the Roman Empire one last time before dying on 17 January 395. The empire fell to his two young sons Arcadius and Honorius, although real power resided in the hands of their guardians, the Eastern prefect Rufinus and the Western general Stilicho. This effectively split the empire into two halves, even though officially unity would continue.
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