Northern Africa 193: Year of Five Emperors

19 April 193
19 Apr 193
Year of Five Emperors
20AD Tacfarinas War
44AD Roman Mauretania
May 68AD Macer’s Rebellion
20 Dec 69AD Year of Four Emperors
spr 70AD Garamantian War
c.85AD Revolt of the Nasamones
c. 100 Empire of Aksum
c. 110 Trajan’s Red Sea expansion
Sep 116 Kitos War
171 Mauri raids on Spain
19 Apr 193 Year of Five Emperors
Dec 202 Severus’ African War
c. 210 Rise of Gadarat
c. 225 Gadarat’s Zenith
After the instability of the 170s—which also saw revolts in Egypt—Roman Africa enjoyed relative peace until 193. That year Didius Julianus controversially bribed his way into power, prompting challenges by the usurpers Pescennius Niger in Syria and Egypt and Septimius Severus in the Danube provinces. Eventually the African-born Severus prevailed, leading to the foundation of the Severan dynasty.