Asia Pacific 1931: Mukden Incident

18 September 1931
18 Sep 1931
Mukden Incident
27 Mar 1927 Northern Expedition
14 Jul 1927 Birth of the Chinese Civil War
11 May 1928 Jinan Incident
29 Dec 1928 Northeast Flag Replacement
20 Nov 1929 Sino-Soviet Conflict
26 Jun 1930 Central Plains War
18 Sep 1931 Mukden Incident
18 Feb 1932 Creation of Manchukuo
31 May 1933 Tanggu Truce
22 Oct 1935 Long March
With the help of the Fengtian clique, Chiang Kaishek won the Central Plains War and was able to turn his attention to the reemergence of the Chinese Communist Party in the south. However Japanese militarists viewed Chiang's growing power with concern and, when a suspicious explosion occurred on the Japanese owned South Manchuria Railway near the Chinese city of Mukden, they were ready to act.