Eastern Mediterranean 268: Battle of Nessos

In response to Gothic–Herulian invasion of Greece (267), the Roman emperor Gallienus led an army into the Balkans, where he decisively defeated the Goths at Nessos in early 268. At this point, however, the general Aureolus revolted at Milan, forcing Gallienus to race back to Italy and postpone the destruction of the Goths.

Main Events

268 Aureolus

In 268 Aurelous, Gallienus’ commander of cavalry in Raetia and Mediolanum (Milan), took advantage of the emperor’s war against the Goths in the Balkans to revolt in support of Postumus. Gallienus immediately traveled to Italy to confront the upstart, while Postumus declined to provide him any support. Briefly saved by Gallienus’ assassination later that year, Aureolus was killed soon after when he rode in revolt against the new emperor Claudius. in wikipedia

268 Battle of Nessos

In late 267 Gallienus marched east to face the Gothic invasion of the Balkans, while the Athenian general Dexippus chased the Heruli from Greece. The next year Gallienus defeated the Goths and their allies at Nessos (probably the Nestos River on the Macedonia–Thrace border), killing 3,000. After this battle, the Goths fled to the mountains, allowing Gallienus to leave the completion of the campaign to his generals. in wikipedia