Eastern Mediterranean 250: Decius’ Gothic War
late 250
late 250
Decius’ Gothic War
sum 242 Gordian III’s Persian War
11 Feb 244 Death of Gordian III
11 Sep 249 Downfall of Philip the Arab
late 250 Decius’ Gothic War
Aug 253 Battle of Barbalissos
spr 254 Aftermath of Barbalissos
3 Sep 257 Gothic Black Sea Raids
mid 260 Capture of Valerian
11 Sep 260 Thirty Tyrants
spr 261 Defeat of the Macriani
Jan 262 Destruction of the Temple of Artemis
late 262 Memor and Odaenathus
fall 267 Gothic–Herulian Invasion of Greece
spr 268 Battle of Nessos
Apr 270 Sack of Bostra
Decius had not been emperor for a year when, in 250, the Goths invaded the Balkans and sacked Philippopolis. The invaders would eventually kill Decius himself at Abritus after he attempted to intercept them as they left the empire in mid 251.