Northern Eurasia 1919: Denikin and Yudenich Attack

In mid-1919, White forces under Anton Denikin swept across southern Russia and the Ukraine, seizing Tsaritsyn (Volgograd/Stalingrad) in June. In July, he pushed further up the Volga in an attempt to take Moscow. Meanwhile, in the northwest, a White army led by General Yudenich was advancing on Petrograd from Estonia.

Main Events

13–29 Jun 1919 White forces under Wrangel capture Tsaritsyn from the Bolsheviks

White forces under Wrangel capture Tsaritsyn from the Bolsheviksin wikipedia

28 Jun 1919 Treaty of Versailles

Germany signed the Treaty of Versailles, officially ending its state of war with the Allied Powers. The treaty required Germany to accept War Guilt, disarm, cede 65,000 square km of territory containing 7 million people to its neighbors, and pay considerable reparations (assessed to be 132 billion Marks in 1921).in wikipedia

15 Jul 1919 Soviet forces take Yekaterinburg from All Russian Government

Soviet forces take Yekaterinburg from All Russian Governmentin wikipedia

23 Jul–4 Aug 1919 Erzurum Congress

Turkish Revolutionaries assemble in Erzurum, eastern Turkey, in accordance with the previously issued Amasya Circular, to affirm Turkish independence. Mustafa Kemal is elected chairman of the congress, despite the Sultanate’s call for his arrest. The congress declares the indivisibility of the Turkish motherland and that the Turks will resist all foreign invasion or wikipedia

? Aug 1919 Nikolai Yudenich creates Northwestern Government

Nikolai Yudenich creates Northwestern Governmentin wikipedia