Southern Asia 1945: Reconquest of Burma

2 August 1945
2 Aug 1945
World War II: The South-East Asian Theater
1880–1914 Pax Britannica
1914–1917 Great War in the Middle East
1917–1918 Fall of the Ottoman Empire
1918–1923 Anglo-French Overreach
1923–1934 Rising Nationalism
1934–1940 Arrival of the New Order
1940–1941 World War II: The Middle Eastern Theater
1941–1945 World War II: The South-East Asian Theater
1945–pres Independence
Reconquest of Burma
10 Dec 1941 Japanese invasion of Thailand and Malaya
15 Feb 1942 Fall of Singapore
5 Apr 1942 Indian Ocean Raid
6 Oct 1942 Quit India Movement
25 Mar 1943 Arakan, Chindits, and Bengal Famine
15 Apr 1944 Battle of Imphal-Kohima
20 Feb 1945 Operation Extended Capital
2 Aug 1945 Reconquest of Burma
12 Sep 1945 Japanese Surrender in South-East Asia
In March and April 1945 the British advanced south into Japanese-occupied Burma, capturing Rangoon in an amphibious assault in early May and splitting the Japanese forces in two. In July the Japanese made a last desperate bid to break through British lines and reconnect their armies but were defeated, effectively bringing an end to the fighting in Burma.