South America 1899: Republic of Acre

14 July 1899
14 Jul 1899
Border disputes and the Powers
1864–1878 South America at War
1878–1894 Rise of the Southern Cone
1894–1939 Border disputes and the Powers
1939–pres Pax Americana
Republic of Acre
14 May 1895 Venezuela and Nicaragua Crises
14 Jul 1899 Republic of Acre
23 May 1900 Thousand Days' War
17 Jan 1903 Second Venezuela Crisis
3 Nov 1903 Panamanian Rebellion
26 Nov 1908 Rio Branco's Treaties
15 Aug 1914 Opening of the Panama Canal
19 Jul 1918 South America in the Great War
24 Mar 1922 Salomón–Lozano Treaty
24 Oct 1930 Vargas Revolution
4 Jul 1933 Chaco War
15 Apr 1935 Paraguayan Chaco Offensive
During the 1890s, thousands of Brazilian workers traveled up the Amazon to the Bolivian-claimed region of Acre in search of rubber trees - at the time extremely valuable due to the need for rubber in the rising automobile industry. When Bolivia tried to assert control over the territory, the inhabitants of Acre declared independence. Brazil initially supported Bolivian efforts to restore order, but, after further revolts, eventually decided to back the rebels. The conflict would end in 1903, when Bolivia finally agreed to cede Acre to Brazil.