South America 1883: End of the War of the Pacific

5 November 1883
5 Nov 1883
Rise of the Southern Cone
1864–1878 South America at War
1878–1894 Rise of the Southern Cone
1894–1939 Border disputes and the Powers
1939–pres Pax Americana
End of the War of the Pacific
29 Apr 1879 Conquest of the Desert
5 Jun 1880 War of the Pacific
23 Jul 1881 Partition of Patagonia
5 Nov 1883 End of the War of the Pacific
28 Apr 1885 Panama Crisis
4 Mar 1887 Counani Dispute
15 Nov 1889 Proclamation of the Republic of Brazil
28 Aug 1891 Second Chilean Civil War
9 Feb 1894 Brazilian Naval Rebellion
By 1883, Chile was the clear victor in the War of the Pacific, occupying all the important Peruvian and Bolivian ports and successfully invading the Peruvian Sierra. Peru accepted defeat in October, ceding Tarapacá to Chile; although the Chilean occupation of Tacna and Arica would remain a source of contention until 1929. Bolivia - which had lost its entire Pacific coastline - would only agree to a truce at first, refusing to sign a formal peace treaty until 1904.