Australasia 1877: British Western Pacific Territories

13 August 1877
13 Aug 1877
British Western Pacific Territories
12 Mar 1862 Crossing the Outback
21 Jun 1864 Invasion of the Waikato
8 May 1865 Fijian Confederacy
10 Nov 1868 ‘Hauhau’ Wars
22 Aug 1872 Australian Overland Telegraph Line
13 Aug 1877 British Western Pacific Territories
6 Nov 1884 New Guinea Protectorates
20 Aug 1889 Samoan Crisis
15 Mar 1893 Partition of the Solomon Islands
14 Mar 1899 Second Samoan Civil War
In 1871 Cakobau united Fiji and proclaimed himself king. However, growing debt and continued social unrest persuaded the new king to cede his island kingdom to the British just three years later. To better administer their expanding holdings in the region, the British used Fiji as a base from which to form their Western Pacific Territories in 1877.