Southern Asia 1939: World War II and the Day of Deliverance

22 December 1939
22 Dec 1939
Arrival of the New Order
1880–1914 Pax Britannica
1914–1917 Great War in the Middle East
1917–1918 Fall of the Ottoman Empire
1918–1923 Anglo-French Overreach
1923–1934 Rising Nationalism
1934–1940 Arrival of the New Order
1940–1941 World War II: The Middle Eastern Theater
1941–1945 World War II: The South-East Asian Theater
1945–pres Independence
World War II and the Day of Deliverance
16 Mar 1934 Soviet invasion of Xinjiang
23 Feb 1935 Abyssinia Crisis
5 May 1936 Second Italo-Ethiopian War
5 Dec 1936 Stalin Constitution
1 Apr 1937 Government of India Act
22 Dec 1939 World War II and the Day of Deliverance
When the Second World War broke out in September 1939, the Viceroy of India followed Britain by declaring war on Germany. Offended that it had not been consulted before the declaration, the Indian National Congress resigned its provincial seats in protest. However this action pleased Muhammad Ali Jinnah and his All-India Muslim League, who proclaimed a 'Day of Deliverance' to celebrate the resignations and the end of the dominance of Congress in India.