North America 1914: Banana Wars

Political instability in the Caribbean and Central America continued into the 1910s, prompting further US military interventions as it sought to maintain order in the region. By 1914 it had extended its dominance to the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Honduras and Haiti. Although often sanctioned by local governments or the European powers, the involvement of US commercial interests, especially fruit companies, in encouraging these interventions has led to them being named "Banana Wars".

Main Events

6 Jan 1912 New Mexico becomes US state

The New Mexico Territory was admitted to the US as the state of New wikipedia

14 Feb 1912 Arizona beomes US state

The Arizona Territory was admitted to the US as the state of wikipedia

15 May 1912 Expansion of Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec

Canada distributed the southern portion of Northwest Territories, along Hudson Bay, among Manitoba, Ontario and wikipedia

4 Aug–16 Dec 1912 US occupation of Nicaragua

In mid-1912, Nicaraguan Minister of War General Luis Mena rebelled against President Adolfo Díaz when the United States refused to recognize Mena as Díaz’s successor. On Díaz’s invitation, the US landed troops in Nicaragua on 4 August to protect US citizens and safeguard US property. After capturing Mena in September and defeating his remaining followers in October, the troops supervised Nicaragua’s elections in November before wikipedia

9–18 Feb 1913 Ten Tragic Days

Fighting broke out in Mexico City on 9 February between soldiers loyal to President Madero and several rebel factions. On 19 February, Madero resigned, and rebel leader Victoriano Huerta was declared President. Three days later, Madero and his former Vice President José María Pino Suárez were wikipedia

24 Feb 1913 Carranza revolts against Huerta

Venustiano Carranza led a revolt in northern Mexico against President wikipedia

29 Jan–9 Feb 1914 US intervenes in Haiti

The United States temporarily moved into Haiti to protect American wikipedia